Please visit our Facebook page for details about the next opportunity to purchase Pennies for Pets vouchers.
On the first of each month, our Pennies for Pets Program provides vouchers that help cover the spay or neuter costs for your pet.
Please visit our Facebook page for details about the next opportunity to purchase Pennies for Pets vouchers. The cost is $45 CASH ONLY; no checks or credit cards. This amount is paid directly to us. We will issue a voucher that is good for 30 days, along with a list of participating veterinarians (list subject to change). You are responsible for scheduling the appointment and informing them you have a voucher. This covers the cost of spay or neuter only.
Since this program is run on donations and grants, there is a limit of one voucher per household per month and on a first-come, first-serve basis. We do not profit from the sale of vouchers and donations are always accepted.
For more information on this program and other low-cost spay/neuter programs in our area, please contact the shelter at 618-457-2362.
St. Francis CARE (low-cost spay/neuter clinic) • Phone: (618) 687-2079
They offer basic veterinary care to low-income dog and cat owners. They will request verification of low income such as LINK eligibility, paycheck stubs, or proof of disability. Call for current prices.
Timber Trails Low-Cost Veterinary Services • Phone: (618) 319-4271
They provide low-cost veterinary services that include vaccinations and alterations for cats and dogs. Call for current prices.
Finding Forever Animal Rescue Feline Spay\Neuter Clinic • Phone: (618) 922-5186
They are located in Marion, IL and offer spay\neuter services for cats only. See their website for more information.